Welcome to Inglewood
There's more than you think! About Inglewood >more
Play the cute video >video (sorry about the ads)
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Gold, blue eucy, history and architecture, exercise or just some time to relax! |
Keep up to date.
Head to the Inglewood Development and Tourism facebook site. >>here
A new 2024 video of the town and some highlights put together by Ilaria from Zeller after a recent visit. Thanks Zeller! Play the video: >>video
Things do keep happening in Inglewood!
* A big Welcome to Carlie Fashions in the Porters store
* New owners changing Cousin Jacks to Inglewood Cafe and Bakehouse.
* Ambulance Station completed
* Inglewood Alive 2024 a great success.
* Town Hall Open Space project completed and roof upgrade underway.
* Recent productions fill the Town Hall with music, singing and people!
and news!!
After years of discussions, letters and meetings, the speed limit in Brooke St will be reduced for enhanced safety.
...."The Department of Transport and Planning are introducing new speed limits on the Calder Highway in Wedderburn and Inglewood in response to
requests from the community and support from Loddon Shire and Victoria Police. In Wedderburn between Godfrey Street and Reef Street, the speed will be reduced from 50 km/h to 40 km/h from yesterday (Wednesday 29 November 2023). In Inglewood between Grant Street and Houston Street, the speed will be reduced from 50 km/h to 40 km/h by late January 2024.
In addition, the 80km/h buffer zone in the eastern and northern approaches to Inglewood will change to 60km/h to provide safe and improved access to properties and bring it in line with Victoria’s speed zoning guidelines.
Safer speeds in town centres add minimal time to journeys with Wedderburn adding 14 seconds and Inglewood 31 seconds. Please look out for the new speed limits and travel safety through the area."
Volunteers make a Community!
In a tribute to volunteers and volunteer organisations, Loddon Herald has run a special feature section on some of the local organisations in its May 11 2023 edition. The Inglewood Development and Tourism Committee placed a full page list of our local volunteer groups and contacts. You can find a copy locally at the Inglewood Post Office, Steve's Empire Hotel or the IGA. Also available in towns across the Shire and beyond. There is a contact for each group, to make it easy. So grab a copy and check them out. Make the call, and join our happy volunteers making a difference!
Click to expand the graphic. >>here or download file >>here
You can also get the Herald digital editions Premium by subscribing for a small monthly fee. >>here
It's a great paper and winning awards!
Rejuvenating Brooke Street shops continues!!
Hot on the heels of the renovations creating Cafe3517 in Brooke St, the new owners of the shops on Porters corner, the Op Shop and butchers shop have commenced on significant renovations which will see new opportunities and growth for the town. First up is talking point - the dog mural on the old butcher's shop. Good work Noel !!
The story: "The door and window frames of the old butcher’s shop were unsafe and unsightly, so a temporary solution while we spent money on the rear of the properties was to board up the shop front. We didn’t want to leave it as a boarded up shop (as that would have looked just as unsightly), so we approached Inglewood’s painter and artist Noel Kilner who came up with this design for a mural, which we loved. The old butcher’s shop will be renovated in time and rented out as a retail outlet..
Mural designed and painted by Noel Kilner
The owners purchased 66, 68 and 70 Brooke Street properties last year and are keen to see these historic buildings renovated and the shop frontages rejuvenated after a decade of neglect, however, we had to first deal with the ground work at the rear of the properties – replacing water, sewage and storm water pipes and drains, etc. The rear ground level was higher than the damp course, hence it had to also be lowered. A new fence, garden beds and road base will be laid at the rear of the shops in the next week or so for shop owners and customers to park which will complete the rear of the shops and we can move to renovating the actual buildings. We already have agreements to lease two of the shops - the current Ambulance Auxiliary Opportunity Shop and a gallery, with several options to lease the third shop ranging from a boutique dress shop to a pottery shop. We are also in the process of drawing up plans to build a new laundromat on the vacant land between 66 & 68 Brooke Street".
What a wonderful innovation and improvement for Inglewood residents and visitors when completed.
Town Hall facelift 2024
Town Hall Roof upgrade
The iconic Town Hall has been getting a bit of a facelift on top with new roof and spouting repairs. The old roof vents were wonderful in the summer exhausting the warm air but during the winter, made it difficult for any attempts to heat the hall area during events. A new design will be much improved. the works and scaffolding will take several months and restrict activities in the hall. But she will look smart at the completion!
Certainly the original steel roof has lasted extremely well over the years but unfortunately the spouting was in desperate need of repairs recently.
COMPLETED -- > the Open Space Activation Area at the Town Hall.
A significant improvement to hide the old tanks and improve the Town hall surrounds.
More substantial screening of the water tanks, changing from screening plants to a modwood fence across the tanks, with planting in front of it. Although it couldn’t fit within this project, the construction of the fence will allow for mounting of metal panels in future if so desired.
- the original paving proposal has been changed to a more durable exposed aggregate concrete treatment, to avoid the need to replace cracked pavers over time
- removable bollards installed across the vehicle access area, and parking signs installed to prevent unauthorised parking in the area
- plant selection has been reconsidered to include more native species, and an irrigation system has been added to the design for easier upkeep
- three phase power has been included in the electrical box, which will source power from the town hall.
This is a great landscaping improvement in this area, and we are grateful for the committee comments and suggestions to help design an attractive and functional space.
Ambulance Station Upgrade COMPLETED
April progress
Minister for Ambulance Services Mary-Anne Thomas announced in August 2022 that construction is underway on a multi-million-dollar Inglewood Ambulance Station on Hospital Street, to continue providing access to emergency care for locals.
The new Inglewood Ambulance Station will feature a three-bay garage for ambulances, two rest and recline areas for hard-working paramedics to recuperate, a fully equipped kitchen and improved security and car parking to make sure paramedics stay safe.
The project involves knocking down the current buildings on the site and building a new fit-for-purpose ambulance station on Hospital Street. The new station is on track to be completed in mid-2023 with demolition works now complete. Inglewood is one of 14 new or refurbished stations with construction getting underway across the state.
April progress
Images: H.Rochester
If you missed the Antiques Fair, then check out the shops in Brooke Street.
Borough of Inglewood Heritage Quilt at the Town Hall
Commissioned by Community Arts & Heritage Fund. Produced by Lions Club Quilters Victoria
At a function on Nov 14, 2021, a quilt commissioned using funds raised from the community for the Town Hall Community Hub project was hung. Produced by the Lions Club of Quilters Victoria, this marvellous quilt is based on the original Borough of Inglewood Seal, used for embossing official stationery. The quilt is located in the original "supper" room
Eucy Museum - Bringing the Traction Engine Home!
Drop in to say Gidday to Nicole and see her new range of EucyBlue products. After such an extended closure, it will be great to have the museum open for visitors, tours and a great coffee.
And check out the new Cliff & Bunting Traction Engine Annex project. >>here
Inglewood Alive Festival 2023 ..Looks like it is back!! Wonderful Success!
From the organisers....
The Inglewood Alive Festival is to be taken over by the Inglewood Development and Tourism Committee who plan to go ahead with this event on Sunday November 5th. it may not look exactly the same as previous festivals but it will build over time. Watch this space for more details of the planned activities and stalls. If you have any ideas, or want to be involved in helping plan and organise this event, please contact the IDTC secretary at idtcsecretary@hotmail.com
2021 - 2031 Inglewood Community Plan
The Inglewood Development & Tourism Committee (IDTC) has been working on the revised Inglewood Community Plan for some time. Council restructured the processes and supported communities developing new plans.
The new plan has drafted after the community survey was collated. The Council has invited the IDTC to present the plan to Council's Technical Forum on 10th August.
The Community is invited to review the plan below prior and provide any further feedback to the IDTC president Carey or Secretary Pauline [ email to IDTCsecretary@hotmail.com ]. The annual funding allocations will only be directed towards projects currently identified and scoped in the Plan.
Download the plan >> here pdf 1.64MB
The identified goals are in notional priority order, but smaller projects of a lower priority may be funded if "shovel ready" and adequate funding.
- Goal 1: Built environment and town beautification
- Goal 2: Improving where we live.
- Goal 3: Tourism and marketing
- Goal 4: Community health and wellbeing
- Goal 5: Traffic Management
- Goal 6: Sport and recreation
- Goal 7: Social opportunities
- Goal 8: Heritage, arts and culture
- Goal 9: Natural environment
- Goal 10: Improving our local economy
- Goal 11: Connectivity: Internet and individual capacity
Some concept images from the Streetscape Masterplan, the top priority goal 1.
What did the 2010 plan achieve?
History of community planning
This is the fifth stage in the development of the Inglewood Community Plan. The first was the Inglewood Urban Design Framework, which was begun in 2002 and completed in April 2003. The second stage took place in January and February 2004. The third stage took place in 2004 when further public discussion focused on the progress to date and for further development and consolidation. Stage four was a public meeting held in 2008 which led to the development of the Inglewood Community Plan 2010.
The Inglewood community is proud of the many achievements made, an outcome of collaborative and combined efforts of many, benefiting the community in a number of ways.
Some of the successful initiatives include:
• Eucalyptus Distillery Museum. Formally opened in 2011. A Loddon Shire appointed Section 65 committee manages the site and ongoing development and provides for tours and the establishment of the retail area operation.
• Arts park development (right)
• Public drinking fountain - 2013 (right)
• Community Hub - participation with the community hub feasibility development activities and the Community Planning submission (below right)
• Inglewood Railway Station Redevelopment
• Adventure park at sports precinct
• Industrial Park development
Tourism & Marketing
• Inglewood geographic domain community website – www.inglewood.vic.au
• Brooke Street flags, highlighting businesses open for business in a consistent manner for the town.
• Brooke St. Brochure.
• Blue Plaque Heritage trail, in conjunction with the Inglewood & District Historical Society (below right)
• Tourism Information Board 2012/3. This project replaced the community directory sign which was seriously outdated.
• Input to Streetscape project
Community Celebrations
• Blue Eucy Festivals
• 150 Years of Gold, 1859 -2009
• Inglewood Alive Festival
Community Planning engagement
• Numerous community planning meetings to register, scope, and prioritise identified community projects. This has been an important function of the IDTC which has assisted many community projects to development. In conjunction with the Loddon Shire Community Planning team.
• Participation with the planning for the Railway Station redevelopment.
Volunteers play a vital and valuable role in the community of Inglewood.
We greatly appreciate and value your contribution.
Youth Support
Some kids can be under a lot of pressure! Decisions about the future, school stuff you may not know about, holiday boredom or struggling to find that perfect job!
A fantastic new site is up and running for the 16-25 year olds.
Tune In Not Out is 24hr TV for life's challenges, such as alcohol, drugs, mental health, exams and relationships.
Check it out! Pass it on! Spread the word!
It may help someone you know, and you may never know how.
TINO and thanks to the team that put it together!!
About Inglewood
Collectibles, gold, blue eucy, history and architecture, ... or just relax!
One of the reasons it's called the "city in the scrub"
Come and explore Inglewood in the Loddon Mallee. Just 50km NW or Bendigo. www.inglewood.vic.au